Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rock Star Lifestyle Might Not Make It

Yesterday was day two of not working for six days.  My friend got back from Iraq at noon and from there till two am was just one long party.  We started at BW 3's then from there my friend went home for some QT with the wife everyone else came back to my house. We got pretty lit up then moved the party to my friend chris' house for more drinks and some people played som wii I dont play video games at all so I was just talking to people and drinking. From there me and my boy charles went to a small bar near my house for more beer and we played some pool we went undeafeated playing doubles.  I ran into my ex girlfriend which always sucks fortunatly she didn't stay long so I could hang out and relax with charles and my friend brandi. I usually don't hang around to long when the ex is around.
A side bar to 14hour party day was my friend jack called and told me our friend brett who has a major gambling problem didn't come home the night before and no one could reach him. His mom was worried he might be dead in a ditch some where. I called around and was informed he went to a vietnamese poker game at two am the night before so I figured he was just on a 20 hour poker binge or he lost his ass and finally ended it. Turns out he was just playing poker the whole time.  He thought it was funny that everyone was so worried.
Well today is mothers day and my tivo shitted out which means more money I gotta spend on a new one and also has me in a more sour then sweet mood to call my mom in.  Oh well I just gotta suck it up and do it I guess. Also thinkin bout not drinkin for 14 days since I drank for 14 hours yesterday and that seems excessive even for me.
Well I tried to call my mom no answer oh well its the thought counts I guess.  They'll hopefully see the missed call on the caller ID.
I'm gonna go shave my head face and special spot so bye for now.

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